Montag, 29. März 2010

App "AgingBooth" makes you look old

This is my first post ever on this blog, but I ain't gonna waste (a lot of) time informing you that this is my first post ever on this blog and - instead - come (pretty) straight to the point:

AgingBooth is the funniest app I've installed until now. I had a great time showing my friends what they'll look like once they're old. It's really easy to use. The layer, which the program automatically applies to any photo of a face is - admittedly - always the same, and the app will NOT apply grey hair, but the results nonetheless look surprisingly authentic. See for yourselves:

The price for this app is $0.99 in the US, €0.79 in Europe. The expression on your friends' faces is priceless. I highly recommend it.

AgingBooth Website

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